What is Universal Pre-K?

Universal Pre-K (Act 166) provides for universal access to publicly funded prekindergarten education in both the public and private early childhood education sector. Act 166 mandates funding for 10 hours of universal pre-K for all 3 to 5-year-olds in Vermont in a prequalified program for 35 weeks in a school year. Regardless of parental income or circumstance, all children who are age 3-5 on or before 9/1/17 are eligible to receive high quality early learning experiences. You can use the funds in any prequalified program EVEN IF THE PROGRAM IS OUTSIDE YOUR HOME DISTRICT.
For 2017/18 the Act 166 funding is equal to $3178 per child. Because tuition amounts vary according to individual schedules please refer to our Tuition rates to determine what your tuition rate would be after Act 166 funding is applied. (insert link to tuition rate/schedule) Parents are encouraged to inquire at their local school district to find out how to receive funding.