Happy 2018! I am glad to be back and I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday. The Toddler classroom has been very busy since the start of the school year: from wood polishing to gluing; from painting and cutting to puzzles; from hand work to reading; we are a busy bunch. We will continue to work on new skills and activities through January. We will be preparing for a variety of foods and exploring some new poems and songs. We would like to wish the best to some of our older friends that are turning three and have or are in the process of moving up to the Primary classroom. We are glad we are just across/down the hall and can still visit often but they will be missed in the classroom. We will also be welcoming a few new friends and their families to our Toddler classroom community.
Please continue to send layers for outdoors: sweatshirts/sweater layers, mittens, hats, warm jackets and snow pants. Dressing is part of self care and during this time of year practicing with mittens, pants, boots, and coats is part of our everyday experience. We encourage supporting children so they continue to learn to do more and more independently. With this in mind, it will help your child to have loose fitting clothes, elastic waistbands on pants and slip on or velcro boots/shoes. Mittens with thumbs are prefered so that the children can still use their hands to work/play outdoors. We will plan to go out everyday and will only stay in if it is extremely cold. Part of the children’s work is continuing to learn self care.
Please note that for snow days and delays MSCVT will post information on local news channels (TV, radio and internet) and Facebook with any closing or delay information.
Families interested in observing the program are welcome to observe through the windows- I recommend contacting Kristen in the office and also observing the 3-6 classroom giving families a perspective on progression of the program. The children are growing so fast and it is truly a pleasure to have the honor to be a part of that growth each day.