With March and April comes a mix of weather...please continue to send your children in layers appropriate for going outside. Remember to wear (or send in) boots as we will still be playing in snow and mud (coming soon!) in Spring. We know the muddy clothes and boots can be challenging for families but we will continue to go outside even in the mud to get fresh air and enjoy all that the season has to offer. I recommend continuing to send snow pants to school through the mud season. Muddy snow pants can be dried by a furnace or wood stove and then shook out; or having a spare pair of snow pants and mittens can be used to rotate when other items are muddy. Please be patient and know that the mud will not last forever and we will make the best of it:-)
As Spring draws near the children are all using the toilet (or at least interested in sitting and trying ) at school and enjoying practicing putting on and taking off their own clothing. When shopping for Spring clothing (or looking through the hand-me-down bins) look for clothing that is loose fitting: elastic waist on pants, and wide head openings on shirts. These kinds of clothing are easiest for your child to manage independently. Please keep this in mind and allow your child as much independence at home as well. This seemingly small task helps the child do it for him/herself, which is the greatest aid to life. Dressing one’s self is one aspect to help foster an “I can do it!” attitude, which in return fosters self-esteem. Self-esteem is the realization that you are worth something, leading to self confidence which in return forms a cycle reinforcing the attitude, “I can do it.”
Conference schedules will be sent out shortly via email. I look forward to meeting with all of you soon.